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UpspringerLOGOBBUpspringer is an international reward-based crowdfunding platform only for literature: we can help authors raise money to publish their book, while providing all the necessary tools to create the perfect campaign. Crowdfunding is perfect for those who want to test the market, gain audience and fans before the book is even published, collect pre-orders, and get noticed! We offer dedicated services, and a personal tutor who can help authors and project creators at every phase of the fundraiser.

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Crowdfunding: through our platform, users can create their fundraising campaign and collect the funds they need to publish their book, or bring to life any literature-related project!”

Tutor: for those who are not so familiar with the whole crowdfunding process, or simply need help with the creation of a booktrailer/video presentation, or the rewards or choosing the right funding goal etc, we offer a dedicated tutor who will follow you step-by-step and will take care of the campaign creation on your behalf

Marketplace: Upspringer offers a marketplace were successful authors can sell their crowdfunded book, and handle sales and deliveries easily.

Partners: Our partners page provides a database of trusted industry professionals who offer their services, ranging from cover designing to marketing strategy, to writing coach and translation. If you need something to make your book come to life, you’ll find it here.