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FREE: Jim Melanson’s I Apologize For Nothing: Apr 30th – May 2nd

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I Apologize for Nothing (Poetry)

iapologizefornothing_300x450A man’s poetry, connecting his adult pain with this teenage experiences. We all share certain experiences. The loss of love or the loss of a loved one. We all share the commonality of this pain and hopefully, we share the commonality of the healing. In the book “I Apologize For Nothing”, we find an exploration of these themes and others in a collection of prose crafted over a period of thirty-five years.

By connecting with the pain of the past, we remember the valuable lessons that have contributed to making us who we are today. In this small collection of prose, the author explores the pain of lost love; a difficult childhood; and a father who died far, far too young. I don’t believe a person can truly do “smiles” unless they are willing to risk doing “tears”. You have to be able to risk to be able to gain, even if sometimes it is your tenuous grasp on your temporary sanity that is at risk. If you are lost in the depths of that pain, remember that you have been here before, you will be here again: and you will survive. I did…

…and I apologize for nothing.


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