Malini Chaudhri
Malini Chaudhri Ph.D is a technical writer with statutes. She is a senior professional in Alternative medicine, formal Academy Qualification manager(UK Occupational Standards), Assessor and content developer. She is an authorized skills knowledge provider and has developed a database through her authors works on technical systems of manual massage and alternative therapies. She catalogues, maintains archives and directories of essential methodology for global competency. She is licensed in Acupuncture from WHO(china), and in Sports massage from USA. Her main specialization is Low level laser, where she demonstrated academia based on a senior fraternity of scientists.
She has lived and worked in China, USA and India, and received privileges through grants and sponsorship to pursue her projects and international studies.
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Low Level Laser Therapy For Physical Therapists – Skills Development (Health)
This is the first practical book on Low Level Laser Therapy dedicated to a technical skills development framework for all practitioners of medicine, sports, spas and cam. It releases new aspects of photomedicine in its support to gene therapy, lymphatics, sports and systemic diseases. It shows a segment of invention dedicated to treating malignancy also. The lymphatic section can support the prevention of diseases as breast cancer and correction post cancer. This is everyman’s book. It is written in collaboration with Jan TunĂ©r, who is a world famous editor, author and leader in this scientific field.
Neuromuscular massage therapy: Skills Development (Health, Alternative Medicine)
This book is a technical description of neuro-muscular techniques in massage therapy to manage advanced care. It is the fundamentals of bodywork, fitness, health, energy, physique, flexibility, mobility and more. It teaches the therapist aspects of stretch, proprioception, assessment, injury correction and advanced movements to facilitate sportsmen or patients under rehabilitation. Active sports requires support and knowledge of anatomical management of functional range of movement, muscle tension, balance, postural controls at various levels, ages and capacities. Sensory treatment and integrated approaches indicate range in theories of care. Embryonic body types also provide a framework for plan of care and self development. This book is designed as one convenient unit that covers sensory, neuromuscular, orthopaedic and embryonic relations to therapies for achieving fitness and excellence in sports or daily life. The Second edition has an added chapter on sensory therapies based on special senses. The entire manual covers in technical listings, the vast range of known applications for neuromuscular massage therapies. The sciences come together for reference of clinical practitioners and massage therapists seeking to enhance their knowledge base. Neuromuscular massage therapy is a less known branch in alternative medicine and requires highly specialized skills. It is an advanced application in Sports Massage, with treatments using PNF protocols. It is also a science applied to stroke patients or cases with debility. This book has organized data of the anatomy of touch, temperature, pressure, and special senses in alternative medicine and healthcare. It is relevant to spa therapies, healthcare physical therapy units and rehabilitation centers. It attempts to convey in depth the full anatomical therapeutic response based on sensory stimuli. This book completes and reinforces the authors previous works and titles, Low level laser for Physical Therapists, and Sports massage.
Sports Massage: In Spa therapies framework (Health)
The author is a licensed sports massage practitioner and educator from US, and a consultant to UK qualifications in Asia. She has been a consultant worldwide since 1994, and has received International grants for her research. This is an essential manual based on global occupational standards to benefit skills of spa and sports professionals. This book is a technical study aid with ISTE seal of quality on Sports massage, suitable for physical therapy, orthopedic massage and integrated spa therapies. It covers integration and multi tasking for spa therapists to acquire clinical insights into their practise. It supports career and self development. Sports Massage is derived from Orthopaedic Massage and comes under the category of alternative medicine and clinical massage. It belongs to medical sciences in its formalities, processes and scientific enquiry, yet it is based on manual systems of health support, advanced techniques and recovery in real-time. It supports maintenance and prevention of injuries . It is very beneficial for professional sports and those under vigorous training. This book is designed to support spa therapists, who must manage massage on customers with dense musculature. The book will train many to follow the different applications of sports massage to other massage sciences in alternative medicine. Knowledge of fundamentals in sports therapy is applied for best outcomes. This book belongs to the very few available that conveys the scope of professional sports massage therapy in spa frameworks, with added wellness and social lifestyle. It provides in depth range and details of process of therapy for target muscle groups and their antagonists. Contract relax muscle energy technique, with reciprocal inhibition, stretch ROM, soft tissue mobilization, assessment and plan of care are included in this workbook. This massage therapy is a life long aid for health and fitness.
Authors Digital Enterprise: A Master Guide for Amazon book sellers (Non-Fiction)
The release of this book accelerated the Authors internet score for Influence by Klout to 99.7% Expert for Amazon. Some one hundred books and white papers were covered to manage this book after march 2017, when the changes facing the world became evident. The following of automation and robotics was a large task for the author to canvas in simple writing. This title offers the scope for dynamic selling by Amazon Authors in the new digital marketplace and new internet. The panoramic view and survey of the changes in the Self publishing Industry, will support Amazon book sellers to graduate from Individual level to Enterprise level. The supporting systems, Artificial Intelligence through Bot integration, new apps and new CRM’s are conveyed in this book with visual graphics. New requirements for product discoverability and optimization are listed. Sites with tools to locate keywords for optimization, and applications in various systems becomes concise and simple to follow up. The various levels of Enterprise advertising from authors is structures for static or dynamic approaches. metrics of production, and Return on Investment are discussed in business category. The many aspects of scaling are depicted concisely from key players on the B2B Marketplace. The mechanisms of E-commerce, in a structure where the whole world competes, is managed in ethical and advanced systematic divisions supporting corporate process. The end view is maximum profitability.