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Ashley Grant Showcase Interview


The Ashley Grant Self-Publisher’s Showcase Interview.

Self-Publisher’s Showcase: Today we are joined by Ashley Grant, author of Lament of Midnight. Welcome to the Showcase Lounge, Ashley.

Ashley Grant: Thank you for having me on the Showcase Lounge.

SPS: For any of our readers that haven’t come across your work previously, can you take a moment to tell us all a little about yourself and your work?

AG: I’ve always been a large horror and slapstick fan which definitely shows in my writing. One of the fan favorites of my poems is a joke poem title Zombie Man in An Exaltation of Shadows Volume Two.

SPS: What are your perfect writing conditions, and how often do you write?

AG: I prefer quiet environments where I can focus, on rare occasion I’ll put on music but minimal distractions work best for me. I try to write every day if I can, typically first thing in the morning before going to work.

SPS: Can you put your finger on the moment you decided that you wanted to publish your work?

AG: I took a shot in the dark and contacted Dark Gatekeeper Gaming when they asked for submissions. Before then the thought never crossed my mind, I grew up being constantly told my writing was too dark for anyone to take interest in my work.

SPS: Why do you think it is that you have found yourself writing in the style that you do?

AG: Well I think Victorian classics have lended more to my style than anything else. Growing up my family had a lot of first editions of Charles Dickens novels, as well as Bram Stoker’s Dracula among others.

SPS: What would you say, if anything, best differentiates you from other authors?

AG: I try my hardest to avoid cliches and plot holes. Doesn’t mean I always succeed. I’m also not afraid to tackle hard and uncomfortable topics that need to be shared.

SPS: Where does the inspiration for your work come from?

AG: My own life experiences, as well as those of my friends. Currently I’ve been using my writing to clean the skeletons from my closet.

SPS: Have you received a favourite review of your work?

AG: Absolutely, Jessica Lucci has left a review of Lament of Midnight on Goodreads that left me dazzled.

SPS: What’s next on the self-publishing horizon for yourself?

AG: Currently I’m working on a novella, but there are rough sketches that I’ve started for a possible children’s book.

SPS: Was the Self-/Indie-Published route always your preferred route for your work?

AG: Working with an Indie Publisher like Dark Gatekeeper Gaming has been so rewarding, I don’t know if I wouldn’t have the same experience elsewhere. I prefer the Indie route for the freedom I’ve been given.

SPS: Has the experience so far been all that you thought it would be?

AG: I came into the publishing world completely blind of the process with no expectations. It’s a lot of hard work, just getting the news out there so people see my books on top of writing is a second job all on it’s own. But I’m not discouraged, I’m happy that people enjoy my stories and my passion is being pursued.

SPS: If you could give one piece of advice for someone looking to get into writing, what would it be?

AG: Just keep pounding away at it, refine your work and make your own stories without worrying about what the current trend is. Not everything is going to be a winner, I have two stories on my computer right now that I started but shake my head at because they’re so bad.

SPS: Before we bring this interview to a close, it’s your chance to name-drop. Anyone who you feel is deserving of more recognition at present or someone whose writing you have recently enjoyed? Now is your chance to spread the word…

AG: Dark Gatekeeper Gaming all the authors published by them deserve recognition, not just myself. Jessica Lucci is another name that should be mentioned, her steampunk books and poetry are something to behold.

SPS: Thank you for joining us today, Ashley, and all the best for the future.

AG: Thank you again for the interview and all the work you do getting us Indie and Self Published authors out there.

SPS: For more information on Ashley and her work, please do visit:

Ashley Grant
Lament of Midnight

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