Guest Post: Twitter. A double-edged sword by Kneel Downe
Twitter. A double-edged sword where reality is taken as fantasy and what’s false is taken as gospel. It’s hard sometimes to view what’s on a social network with anything but contempt, however I love it. I found my incredible team through Twitter, some of my closest friendships started by relationship building on a site full of strangers and then there’s also the marketing possibilities.
I started as a Twitter poet and, as I’ve said on this glorious site before, my Virulent Blurb universe started as a single 140 character gem. At the end of this month I am locked away with a media company finalising a Detective Lobo script for a film version of my Wolf-Spliced anti hero. This happened because of Twitter. A buzz picked up about my work, my followers grew and I was humbled by the support. I had finally found my spiritual home and then a media company found me there and floated the idea of a visual take on my universe.
Twitter gave me the space to string out all avenues of my world into different areas for people to pick and choose the elements that speak to them.
As well as the original @VirulentBlurb there is now the superhero tale @BlurbCascades where, if you bear with me during this slow story building, it is going to get dark and twisted and eventually take you to the Copper Cascades Asylum where the idea originally sprang from.
The Blurb universe also has a band! @PHAZELORDS is the futuristic musical nightmare with Johnny Phaze the singer missing for 5 years and an ex pleasure android as a manager. This is by far my most interactive string, with fans actually getting involved and tweeting the band. My agent Steve is currently building a website for the band and has already been sent Johnny Phaze tribute articles from the followers on Twitter. This blows my mind.
@DetectiveLobo is a great buzz to write. I love my wolf creation, you can see his fingers in so many pies and he pops up all over the Universe. It’s also different for me as I can write case files for Lobo so every story can go any way and is not necessarily tied to the constraints and limitations of one era that could happen in other segments.
I have, however, caused controversy with my bile-filled #KillAllPoets tweets and am disappointed that they have been taken out of context. They are snippets of lyrics from a Phazelords album called Kill All Poets. It’s a shame, as the abuse that comes my way for this really isn’t needed, I’m a poet myself, but you can’t please all the people all of the time.
Twitter. The double-edged sword.
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