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Tim Marquitz – To Hell and Back

To Hell And Back

To Hell and Back: A Demon Squad Collection (Urban Fantasy)

to hell and backTo Hell and Back features the first three Demon Squad novels (Armageddon Bound, Resurrection, and At the Gates) alongside Betrayal (a lead in short to At the Gates) and the never before released Demon Squad short stories A Hell of a Way to Die (featuring the origin of Chatterbox ) and The Great Brain Robbery (featuring Frank in the Wild West.)

Frank “Triggaltheron” Trigg has lived in the shadow of Lucifer his entire life, but now that God and the Devil have abandoned Earth, Frank’s been left to his own devices, which is never a good thing.

The supernatural world’s punching bag, Frank must hold the line between mankind and the paranormal elements bent on staking their claim in the absence of divine rule.

Humanity is so screwed.


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