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Win a lifetime PRESTIGE membership worth $699!

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It’s about time we did another giveaway. So, here it is. You have until June 30th to enter, and the top prize (Lifetime PRESTIGE) includes:

An Author Page on SelfPublishersShowcase.com
FIFTEEN tweets per day to over 200,000 (that’s over 5400 tweets a year!)
12 Opportunities to have a Book added to our Books of the Month page per year (One book on all twelve separate months, or twelve books in one month – the choice is yours)
An Opportunity each month to highlight a book in our monthly Voracious Reader newsletter.
Interviews, Blogging and New Release Posts.

We’ll also be giving away 3 Lifetime GOLD memberships worth $139 each. Details on all memberships can be found here.

So, good luck. Enter below as many times as you wish and keep those fingers crossed.
Email paul@selfpublishersshowcase.com if you have any questions.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

  1. Charles Ambler BowerCharles Ambler Bower05-20-2017

    I would love to enter the giveaway but I don’t know if I successfully entered. How do I tell?

  2. PaulPaul05-21-2017

    You’ve successfully entered, and have 11 entries, so don’t worry, Charles.

  3. Farrell McNultyFarrell McNulty05-31-2017

    Same for me. Am I entered?

  4. PaulPaul05-31-2017

    We don’t have you down, currently. If you tweet the message you then need to add in the url of your tweet (as proof). Could you have missed that part?

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