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FREE: Healthy Relationships begin with you!: Being the right person is just as important as finding the right person: Feb 19-23rd

Healthy Relationships

Healthy Relationships begin with you!: Being the right person is just as important as finding the right person (Self-Help/Non-Fiction)

healthy relationshipsHealthy Relationships is a self-help ebook for the 18 plus year old who wants to build long lasting friendships, relationships and romance.Many people experience unhealthy relationships at some point in their life. Usually these relationships stem from people ignoring inappropriate and/or abusive behaviors. People fall into the routine of accepting harmful behaviors because they genuinely want to accommodate others, they think that the problem may be with them, and/or they think that they can change the behaviors. Sometimes the home environment in which people grew up involves physical and verbal violence consequently; this becomes their expectation for relationships. One of the consequences of unhealthy relationships includes risks to personal safety that can escalate to domestic violence. Through this workbook’s activities and scenarios, you will learn the signs of unhealthy relationships, and how to create and maintain safe and healthy relationships.

Healthy Relationships Build relationships the right way so that you can avoid all that drama and pain, not to mention the gossip!
This is the first of its kind self-help manual for special needs teens and adults. It comes with an interactive multimedia CDrom so that the workbook can be repeated many times until the lessons are learned. My special education students share that they are going to complete high school, go to college, and then get married. The challenge is providing adults with the skill set necessary for them to be safe, independent, and build the relationships that they long for. Be it a friendship or dating relationship the many hidden rules and nuances that are part of relationships are difficult to understand. Healthy Relationships is a workbook for teens and adults with Williams Syndrome, Autism, ADHD, Intellectual Disabilities, Learning Disabilities and other human conditions that may present challenges in building relationships. Through activities, cartoons, and many scenarios the workbook teaches how to investigate and build friendships and relationships safely over periods of time. The workbook provides the reader with the skills for thoughtful and proactive steps necessary for healthy relationships.

“This book is full of interesting and relevant information on building healthy relationships. The format is easy to use and helps readers make valuable connections to their personal lives. Healthy Relationships can have a tremendous impact on the lives of impressionable young adults.”
Amy Summers-Special Education Teacher

“This is a very useful book, I am using it with the young adult minded women, ages 24 to 43, in the group home in which I work. The workbook format makes it easy to guide them through concrete steps to support forming lasting friendships and relationships. They often refer back to the book when they have questions and enjoy repeating activities. The chapter on safety has changed everyone’s perspective on how to navigate relationships. The women are much more mindful of protecting their safety and now have exit plans established. Thank you!”
Beverley Alanjary- Group Home Advisor

“Healthy Relationships is very well thought-out. In fact, I found myself not just reading but really paying attention to the tips in the book and storing them in my brain to use when I confront a friendship/dating situation in my life. I also found myself answering the questions in the book as they apply to me. I thought the acronym (SNAIL) and the different steps were useful and will help people who encounter these situations in life.”
Elizabeth Alper-Student

“The information in this book is useful and easily applicable to every day experiences. It is hard to maintain friendships. By completing the activities and following the SNAIL tips, building life-long friendships becomes more doable.”
Cierra Bantz- Student

Despite my long marriage, I still found this book to be very helpful in improving my relationship with my spouse. It is very well written and edited. It is easy to read and follow along. The suggestions made definitely enhance and improve one’s relationship with a spouse or with any family and friends. I highly recommend it.
Sandy Moll


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