Funding – Kent Burden’s The Modern Day Hunter Gatherer
Our latest highlighted Funding project, comes courtesy of Kent Burden
Start Date: March 9th 2014
Duration: 45 Days
End Date: April 23rd 2014
Funding Goal: $2’000
Help fund a book that will improve the health of people and the earth alike!
So many people believe that better health and more vitality is just a new diet or exercise fad away, but research shows that doing one or both of these things for a short period of time has little or no effect on our long term health. In order to lose weight and keep it off and lower your risk of developing lifestyle diseases like diabetes, heart disease, obesity and cancer you have to make a lifestyle change. Our forefathers did not diet or exercise, yet they were thinner and had fewer lifestyle diseases than we do today. I believe this is because movement and real whole foods were the essence of our forefathers existence. The Modern Day Hunter Gatherer is a road map to a healthier lifestyle that combines ancient wisdom with modern research. This book gives you all the tools you need to slowly and painlessly change your lifestyle and look and feel your best.
If you are interested in the project do get involved. Visit Kent’s indiegogo page RIGHT HERE
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