Win all 3 of Kneel Downe’s books from his VirulentBlurb universe
It’s time to win!
But what can you win? Well…
All 3 of these fantastic books from author Kneel Downe!
Virulentblurb:Fractures takes you into a strange and twisted world of Animal Spliced humans, renegade Droids and an oddly poetic Universe of wonders and fear.
VirulentBlurb is a twitter fiction experiment that soon grew to spawn it’s own website and then attract the attentions of several Media companies.
Amelia’s Song: “When Amelia was a little boy she fell through the hole in the worlds….she returned transformed…”
From the critically acclaimed author of VirulentBlurb:Fractures comes this mythical tale, a virulent fable, a twist in the VirulentBlurb universe.
Pollyanna Knight Hears…
In the Dark….
The follow up to the critically acclaimed VIRULENT BLURB:FRACTURES… Or is it? After being introduced to the splintered Blurb Universe in Fractures, the aftermath of a cataclysmic conflict, the dark world 50 years after the war, Kneel Downe’s REFLECTIONS takes us back to the time before the war, before the sun went out, to the introduction of this extraordinary world.
I would love to win this giveaway and have my hands on those gorgeous books!!!!!!!!!!!!